Historical Facts
Not only ancient Chinese medicine but also early Western medicine described the eye as the ”mirror of the soul” or the orifice in which the ”Shen”, the character of a person becomes visible.
During the life time of Hippocrates (300 BC), changes in and around the eye were observed and until today examination of the eye is used for diagnostic purposes in conventional medicine. Consider the yellow conjunctiva of the eye in jaundice or the reflexes of the pupils as an indication of the condition of the brain.
In the middle of the last century IRIDOLOGY (diagnosis from the Iris) was developed by the General Practitioner Dr. Ignaz of Pézeley in Budapest. He and his followers examined the eyes of their patients and of healthy persons on a regular basis. Over the years they were able to collate and analyse information relating to the changes in the eye.
What can You See in the Eye?
IRIDOLOGY is the study of the iris of the eye to determine information about the body´s constitutional strengths and weaknesses, levels of inflammation and toxaemia, functions of the eliminative system, body systems and organs, and the causes of symptoms and disease.
Topographic maps of the iris exist which reveal the location of the different organs. The iris, which is connected to the brain via the hypothalamus acts as a control panel, giving readouts as to the conditions of various parts of the body.
In the very fine and transparent structures of the Iris the pathological origin of the condition may become visible and it is often possible to differentiate between various kinds of complaints: nervous, inflammatory, hormonal, etc.
On many occasions constitutional weaknesses are revealed which, if treated at an early stage, may help avoid future illnesses and complaints.
The same applies to a susceptibility to certain illnesses, such as Rheumatism, Diabetes or even Cancer. If diagnosed soon enough, the risk can be significantly reduced by specific treatment and changes in life-style (diet, stress, rest).
When Is Iridology Useful?
IRIDOLOGY helps patients to learn about their strengths and weaknesses and to become more conscious of what they can do to keep themselves healthy.
In addition to its preventative value, IRIDOLOGY is a very helpful diagnostic tool. It is not only helpful in cases in which conventional medicine seems unable to find a reasonable explanation for a patient’s complaints, but also to advise patients as to the most appropriate and effective therapy(s) for his/her condition and situation.
Although Iridologists acknowledge that most illnesses lead to alterations in the eye, this is not always the case. Therefore, in combination with IRIDOLOGY, Sven Sommer uses Pulse and Tongue-diagnoses of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ear-acupuncture, clinical examination-methods and an extensive Interview during the first consultation (60-90 minutes). If necessary, he does not hesitate to advise the patient to have specific clinical tests.